Self-care in Healthcare
A Stress Reduction, Resilience and Well-being Programme for People Working in Healthcare.
“A well-staged and organised one-day workshop. Practical real world solutions to a real world problem. To be recommended to all. We owe it to the people we care for to care for ourselves. As the incidence of stress related troubles rise, so the solutions become important to discover. This workshop starts the discovery process.“
Senior Medical Officer, Hawke’s Bay DHB

Discover the Self-care Programme
The Self-care in Healthcare Programme can be a full-day, half-day, or range of tailored short presentations and webinars. We work with mixed professions or whole teams. You chose what best suits your people, schedule and budget.
See What Others are Saying
The Self-care in Healthcare Programme has been tailor-made to assist both individual and team well-being and performance. Since 2015, we have been collecting evaluations, case-studies, and surveys to show how the programme is making a significant impact on participant’s perceived levels of stress.

Explore Self-care Resources
Free downloadable articles, videos and other resources to help you and the people you care about reduce symptoms of stress and burnout. Spread the word!
Past and Participating DHBs and Hospitals